Chattanooga Sidewalk Tours offers two daily tours (except for Tuesdays) April 1 - Oct 1 and by appointment Oct-Mar. The Dynamo of Dixie Tour in downtown Chattanooga starts at 10 AM in front of the Read House at 827 Broad Street. The Bluff and Bridges Tour starts at 7 PM at the south end of the Walnut Street Bridge at 100 Walnut Street. We also offer a 1 PM tour in the summer Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day. Check our website for the schedule. Please reserve your tour by phone or through the web site by 9 PM the evening before your tour, though we do take walk-ups if a tour is already scheduled and we have not reached our maximum number.
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Chattanooga Sidewalk Tours, Inc. directly.