We create farmstead cheeses from the milk produced by our herd of Nubian and Saanen dairy goats and our prized Jersey cows, Eileen & her daughter Brie. Owners and operators of Tennessee’s oldest licensed Grade A goat and cow dairy, Jim and Gayle produce goat cheese daily by hand on their 300-acre Bonnie Blue Farm in Waynesboro, Tennessee. Located about three hours east of Memphis & two hours southwest of Nashville, their farm is a great example of sustainable agriculture. Shoppers at the Memphis Farmers Market are the fortunate recipients of Bonnie Blue Farm cheese. Every Saturday during market season, Jim brings prize winning Tanasi Tomme, feta, goat & cow gouda, cheddar, chevre logs with herbs or just plain chevre (French for goat) all made from their goat and cow milk. Also served at the finest area restaurants.
You can purchase our products in Nashville at The Turnip Truck, Green Door Groumet, and The Produce Place, and you can purchase them in Memphis at the Memphis Farmer's Market, Miss Cordelia's, and Curb Market. Our cheeses are also served at many local restaurants. Check out our website to found out where!
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Bonnie Blue Farm directly.