The Beechcraft Heritage Museum is a distinctly original world class aviation museum.
The Museum is situated in a picturesque campus-style setting adjacent to the Tullahoma, Tennessee Regional Airport (THA). Our 78,000+ square foot climate controlled facility houses thirty-seven aircraft ranging from the first manufactured 1924 Travel Air; to the first Beechcraft airplane manufactured, Serial Number 1 Staggerwing; to the first of only five every built Travel Air Mystery Ship; to the modern day Starship. In addition to the rare collection of airplanes, the Museum has an array of original pieces of artwork not only from the Walter & Olive Ann Beech collection but from artists world wide.The museum has the complete collection of the accomplished Aviatrix, Louise Thaden including her pilot's license signed by Orville Wright and original racing trophies.
Tuesday - Saturday
9:00 - 4:o0PM, CST
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Beechcraft Heritage Museum directly.