"Parsons Flat"
Becomes Parsons Tennessee
About 1845 the Lexington to Perryville stage route was established with stops at a settlement wherepresent-day Beacon is located and at Lone Elm (present-day Chesterfield). This provided much improved access to the river port at Perryville for the area west of the Tennessee River. Mail servicefrom the east was reduced from a month to a weekor ten days. As a result of a legislative act in 1846, Dr. John Parsons was authorized "to construct a turnpike road from some suitable point on theTennessee River, through Decatur County to the Henderson County line, in a good direction towardsthe town of Lexington, in Henderson County." In those early years Dr. Parsons acquired severallarge tracts of land in the area and engaged infarming along with his practice of medicine. In 1850 he had 2,300 acres, and in 1860 had a total property evaluation of $285,000. Because Dr.Parsons owned such a large portion of the large flat terrain lying in this area, it became known as"Parsons Flat."
When, in 1889, the Tennessee Midland Rairoad was built through the middle of Parsons flat, Henry Myracel who had bought a large portion of Dr. Parsons's land holdings, partnered with the railroadcompany to establish a new town, they named it Parsons, Tennessee in memory of the Decatur County pioneer.
Learn more about the history of the Parsons and Greater Area when you visit the Parsons and Greater Area Historical Museum located in the Parsons City Municipal Complex, Parsons Centre at 535 Tennessee South Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Admission is $2.00 per person.
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact City of Parsons directly.