You’re Never Alone in the Dark!
Frights, Fun, & Screams for Everyone! Enjoy this state-of-the-art World-class Haunted Attraction & Gatlinburg’s #1 Haunted House! Tour the Grimsby & Streaper Casket Company that was closed in 1926 due to the strange disappearance of both company’s owners but enter at your own risk! Feel your way through pitch black corridors with new hauntings, special effects, & live actors! Your worst nightmares come to life! Bring all your family & friends…there’s safety in numbers!
On the Parkway, traffic light #8
908 Parkway
Gatlinburg, Tennessee 37738
Fax: (865) 436-4145
Website: www.ripleysgatlinburg.com
Email: gatlinburg@ripleys.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HauntedAdventureGatlinburg/
Daily: 1 pm to 9 pm
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Ripley's Haunted Adventure directly.