Learn more about Sorghum Valley Christmas Village.
Sorghum Valley Christmas Village is coming back again 2nd Weekend in Dec. (Thurs. - Sat. ) with the theme "Generations of Christmases". Please consider giving back to your community and sponsoring a Christmas tree or volunteering to help at this event. We are so appreciative of the continued support we have received over the years. If you have questions, please send us a message! Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone out there! As always, there will be a donation drive to support our local charities.
To sponsor a tree click here https://forms.gle/a5bYBrwNZjV2myYZA
To sign up as a volunteer, click here https://forms.gle/x3r9otQhWaj4mt829
To simply make a donation, use this link and click donate https://www.dyercofair.com/contribute/