The largest house museum in Tennessee, the 1853 home of the remarkable Adelicia Acklen served as headquarters for Union General David Stanley and General Thomas J. Wood.
The largest house museum in Tennessee. One of the few 19th-century homes in which the story revolves around a woman. The 1853 home of Joseph and Adelicia Acklen served as headquarters for Union General David Stanley and General Thomas J. Wood.
After her husband died, the remarkable Adelicia, one of the richest women in America and a shrewd businesswoman, secretly did business with both sides to survive. Her negotiations enabled her to sell her cotton in England for a million dollars in gold.
During the war, the home served as headquarters for Union Gen. David Stanley and Gen. Thomas J. Wood.
Join historic gardening experts each Saturday for a guided tour of the vibrant gardens and extensive collection of cast iron statuary and gazebos surrounding Belmont Mansion. While meandering through the gardens from the mansion’s front steps to the iconic bell tower, guests will learn about the history of the mansion’s garden and grounds. Garden tours take place every other Saturday at 9 A.M.
Key Facts
- Adelicia Acklen was a shrewd businesswoman who secretly negotiated with both sides during the Civil War to save her fortune.