In 1863, armies fought fiercely over control of the crucial rail center of Chattanooga. After a Confederate victory at “bloody Chickamauga,” Union troops wrested control of the city in November. "This...is the death-knell of the Confederacy," a Confederate soldier wrote.
Point Park commemorates the soldiers who fought in the 1863 Civil War battles for Chattanooga. The battlefields of Orchard Knob, Lookout Mountain and portions of Missionary Ridge are all components of the National Park. The park includes three historic homes. Brotherton House marks the spot where the Union line was broken, Snodgrass House served as a Union field hospital, and Cravens House served as a Confederate field hospital.
Key Facts
- Several sites make up the park: Chickamauga, Orchard Knob, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge.
- Chattanooga became the staging area for Sherman's March to the Sea.