1816 Harper’s Ferry Arsenal converted flintlock musket
1816 Harper’s Ferry Arsenal converted flintlock musket
1860 Model Colt army revolver
1860 Model Colt army revolver
1861 Tower Arsenal .58 caliber carbine
1861 Tower Arsenal .58 caliber carbine
5.3-inch Civil War Hotchkiss Shell
5.3-inch Civil War Hotchkiss Shell
Bowie Knife with Leather Sheath
Bowie Knife with Leather Sheath
Bullet mold
Bullet mold
Cannon ball, Parrot shell and minie balls
Cannon ball, Parrot shell and minie balls
Carved Powderhorn
Carved Powderhorn
Cavalry saber & scabbard
Cavalry saber & scabbard
Civil War Cartridge Box and Belt
Civil War Cartridge Box and Belt
Colt Revolver engraved by Gustave Young
Colt Revolver engraved by Gustave Young
Colt Third Model Dragoon .44 caliber 6-shot revolver
Colt Third Model Dragoon .44 caliber 6-shot revolver
Confederate Artillery Sword
Confederate Artillery Sword
Confederate Canteen
Confederate Canteen
Confederate Musket
Confederate Musket
Confederate saber-bayonet
Confederate saber-bayonet
Confederate veteran medal with
Confederate veteran medal with "stars & bars"
Cook and Brothers .58 caliber infantry rifle
Cook and Brothers .58 caliber infantry rifle
D-guard Bowie knife
D-guard Bowie knife
Derringer Pistol with engraved lockplate
Derringer Pistol with engraved lockplate
Epaulettes and Scabbard Tips
Epaulettes and Scabbard Tips
Henry Repeating Rifle
Henry Repeating Rifle
Last Surrender Sword of the Civil War
Last Surrender Sword of the Civil War
LeMat 9-shot .40 revolver pistol and shotgun
LeMat 9-shot .40 revolver pistol and shotgun
Loaded Canister of Grapeshot
Loaded Canister of Grapeshot
Memphis Novelty Works cavalry saber
Memphis Novelty Works cavalry saber
Memphis Novelty Works Saber
Memphis Novelty Works Saber
Model 1850 .36 Colt Navy revolver
Model 1850 .36 Colt Navy revolver
Muzzle-Loading Percussion Pistol
Muzzle-Loading Percussion Pistol
Muzzle-loading Shotgun of Daniel Hoge Bruce
Muzzle-loading Shotgun of Daniel Hoge Bruce
Nashville Plow Works cavalry saber (close-up)
Nashville Plow Works cavalry saber (close-up)
Nashville Plow Works cavalry saber and scabbard
Nashville Plow Works cavalry saber and scabbard
Noncommissioned Officer's Sword Hilt
Noncommissioned Officer's Sword Hilt
Officer's Army Colt Revolver
Officer's Army Colt Revolver
One and one-half inch shot from 12-lb. canister
One and one-half inch shot from 12-lb. canister
Plant's revolver recovered at Shiloh
Plant's revolver recovered at Shiloh
Smoothbore .69 Caliber Musket
Smoothbore .69 Caliber Musket
Soldier's Half-Boot from Battle of Franklin
Soldier's Half-Boot from Battle of Franklin
Spencer Carbine
Spencer Carbine
Springfield-Style Musket
Springfield-Style Musket
Union Army Bass Drum
Union Army Bass Drum
Union Veteran Medal
Union Veteran Medal
United Confederate Veterans uniform
United Confederate Veterans uniform
Weaponry from Parker's Crossroads
Weaponry from Parker's Crossroads